Saturday, April 19, 2008

A Cross Platform Blogging Tool from Six Apart

Techtree News Staff

Bloggers racking their brains trying to make sure their regular updates reach all near and dear ones now have an option to stick to just one Web site to use multiple blogging services. Six Apart, which is known for its blogging tools like 'Movable Type' and 'TypePad' has come up with "Blog It" -- a new Facebook application that allows users to post to various blogs or micro-blogs from within Facebook, thus deleting the fine line between blogging and social networking.

Powered by TypePad, "Blog It" brings social tools to bloggers all over the Web no matter what publishing platform they use. Unlike existing Facebook blogging tools, the new tool is not limited to any one blogging service; it works with nearly a dozen services including Blogger, TypePad, Twitter, Movable Type, Vox, and WordPress. In fact, contrary to the existing norm wherein Facebook users would import data and information from across the Web, "Blog It" enables them to export content from Facebook. As a result, users do not need to sit and update each blog separately; they can now do it all in one go from within Facebook.

In addition, "Blog It" allows users to notify friends and colleagues around the Web of new posts. When writing a post, a blogger can choose to automatically share it via Twitter and Pownce, in addition to the Facebook Newsfeed. To get started, simply add the Blog It application ( to Facebook and set up your account details, and hey presto! you can start creating posts, adding them to blogs, and sharing with friends.

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